Healthy Living Celebration

Hope is hosting an event to celebration the completion of a project to incorporate “Green” features at one of our buildings and we make you aware hopefully to cover the event.

The goals of the project, Two Shades of Green are:
1. Energy and Water conservation:
a. measure and track energy usage, identify energy saving opportunities and reduce energy use and bills
b. conserve water, reduce bills, identify and fix leaks to control asthma triggers (e.g. moisture, mold).

2. Safe pest control: seal holes to prevent pest entry, identify and fix leaks, and minimize access to food sources to control asthma. And reduce exposure to pesticides, using lowest toxicity
pesticides and most precise application method to prevent poisonings.

3. Smoke-free housing: reduce resident exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke, reduce fire risk, and lower turn-over costs through smoke-free housing policies.

4. Active design: support active living of residents through low-cost modifications and add-ons to buildings and surroundings.

5. Green cleaning: reduce resident and maintenance worker exposure to harmful chemicals by using cost-effective and safe green cleaning products.

The feature building is 129 East 123rd Street. It is an elevator building and to encourage the tenants to be more active and use the stairs, a mural was created and with the help of Creative Arts Works installed in the stairwell.

The tenants voted to make their building entirely smoke-free. This is a growing trend in Hope buildings and The City of New York is giving Hope Community an award for participating in the Smoke Free Campaign.

I hope you will come to our celebration on Thursday June 11th at 6:00 pm. We will reveal the mural and hold a small ceremony in our garden on 123rd and Lexington Avenue behind 2023 Lexington Ave.

hope community fall fest 2019 chalk art

Please join us for this festive celebration to honor Hope Community’s collaborative work to create a new mural that encourages physical activity and smoke-free housing to promote cleaner, healthier air at home!
