Census Takers In Your Neighborhood
Deadline to Complete the 2020 Census is October 15, 2020
Census takers will visit homes that haven’t yet responded to the 2020 Census.
What To Expect:
All census takers complete a virtual COVID-19 training on social distancing and other health and safety protocols before beginning their work in neighborhoods.
How To Verify A Census Taker ID:
If someone visits your home, check to make sure they have a valid photo ID badge, U.S. Department of commerce watermark and expiration date.
For questions about responding to the 2020 Census
Call 844-330-2020
7am to 2am Eastern Time
Remember to Complete Your Census Form
Hope Community would like to remind our residents and the East Harlem community to make sure they and their household members are counted in the 2020 US Census.
By now you should have received a census form by mail if not don’t worry there are other methods to complete the census, please see below.
Three ways to fill out your Census form:
Click on the links below to complete the census online, by phone or to find the mailing address for the paper form.
Why Is The 2020 Census Important?
Every 10 years the US Census Bureau counts each person who lives in the United States. It is important for residents of East Harlem to complete the census so that federal funds are properly allocated to our congressional district. The federal funds provide money to hospitals, schools, social service programs, roads, and other vital programs.
We hope you join us in spreading the word to our community to complete the census online, by phone, or return the form in the mail by the end of April 2020.
Please see below for other Census resources:
Important Census Dates
Census dates to know
4 Reasons Why the Census Matters for All of Us
Why the Census Matters for All of Us
Why 2020 Matters for Schools
The 2020 Census & Schools
Why Are They Asking That?
What Everyone Needs to Know About 2020 Census Questions
Why We Conduct the Census
Benefits To Your Community